Kapruka breaks boundaries with ‘Partner Central’
Kapruka.com, Sri Lanka’s leading e-commerce website launched the “Kapruka Partner Central” which provides an enhanced platform for partners to showcase their products and connect with a global audience on 29 February, 2024. The event to launch the platform, which will mark a new era of empowerment and opportunity for partners across the digital space, was held at the Lotus Tower, Colombo. The Partner-Central selling platform represents a culmination of meticulous planning, innovation, and dedication to providing an enhanced platform for partners to showcase their products and connect with a global audience. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Partner-Central promises to revolutionize the way partners interact with online marketplaces. One of the most remarkable aspects of the Partner-Central is its comprehensive suite of tools and resources designed to empower sellers at every stage of their journey. From streamlined product listing processes to advanced analytics and performance metrics, Partner-Central equips partners with the insights and tools they need to thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Dulith Herath, entrepreneur, the Founder and Chairman of Kapruka.com, emphasised that the launch of Partner-Central demonstrates a dedication to nurturing a dynamic and inclusive e-commerce environment that aims to empower partners by offering a wide array of marketing and promotional avenues, thereby ensuring that sellers of all scales can unlock their full potential and compete on a level playing field. Furthermore, he said, “As we celebrate the launch of ‘Kapruka Partner-Central’, we are reminded of the transformative power of technology to create positive change and empower individuals to pursue their dreams and the possibilities are endless, and the journey towards a more inclusive and prosperous future has only just begun” Kapruka extends a warm invitation to partners from all corners to join Partner Central and expand their brand presence on a global scale, embracing the limitless possibilities that lie ahead to shape the future of commerce in the digital age.